

My first website.

Learning CSS.

Learning more CSS.

My first project.

My second project.

My tirth project.


foto oef 1
opdracht 1.1
foto oef 2
opdracht 1.2
foto oef 3
opdracht 1.3
foto oef 4
opdracht 1.4
foto oef 5
opdracht 1.5
foto oef 1 van fiche 2
opdracht 2.1
foto oef 2 van fiche 2
opdracht 2.2
foto oef 3 van fiche 2
opdracht 2.3
foto oef 4 van fiche 2
opdracht 2.4


opdracht 5.3.2

click on the image to see the code

opdracht 5.3.3

click on the image to see the code

opdracht 5.3.4

click on the image to see the code

opdracht 5.3.7

click on the image to see the code

opdracht 6.5.3

click on the image to see the code

opdracht 6.5.7

click on the image to see the code

opdracht 7.3.2

click on the image to see the code

opdracht 7.3.10

click on the image to see the code

opdracht 7.3.11

click on the image to see the code

opdracht 7.3.12

click on the image to see the code

opdracht 8.5.4

click on the image to see the code

opdracht 8.5.5

click on the image to see the code

opdracht 8.5.11

click on the image to see the code

opdracht 8.5.12

click on the image to see the code

opdracht 8.5.13

click on the image to see the code

opdracht 8.5.15

click on the image to see the code

opdracht 9.5.5

click on the image to see the code

opdracht 9.5.17

click on the image to see the code




